Monday, May 11, 2009

grocery budget

Today I sat down and really thought about how much we spend at the store each week. I started playing the grocery game a few months back so that in it's self has saved us a ton. So easy to do using the grocery game. But I really wanted to see how much more I could save. So I sat down and planed out a monthly budget and then broke that amount up into four week amounts . I challenged myself tonight to see if I could stay under or just right at, and still get the things I would need to last me all week and still be able to stock up on the items I had extra coupons for. I did! I came in 2.19 under budget!! Not as hard as I thought it was going to be when you are paying attention.

1 comment:

  1. We have had a grocery budget for years and I have managed to stay right at or below it ... unless we have company coming for several days. I always try to plan and menu and shopping list and eat BEFORE I go shopping. The times I don't do that are the times I go over my budget and come home with too many sweets. :)
