Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Summer Fun

Well I have done something I have not done in a LONG time. The kids Randy and I stayed outside all day yesterday. It's so had to be at home and take a day "off". I was great! The kids played in the pool and Randy and I did yard work and worked in the garden. I am so happy everything is starting to pop out and the fruit trees are starting to produce fruit!! I can't wait. Well this is short but Randy came home early and we are going to grill burgers so I gotta go!!!!

Monday, May 11, 2009

grocery budget

Today I sat down and really thought about how much we spend at the store each week. I started playing the grocery game a few months back so that in it's self has saved us a ton. So easy to do using the grocery game. But I really wanted to see how much more I could save. So I sat down and planed out a monthly budget and then broke that amount up into four week amounts . I challenged myself tonight to see if I could stay under or just right at, and still get the things I would need to last me all week and still be able to stock up on the items I had extra coupons for. I did! I came in 2.19 under budget!! Not as hard as I thought it was going to be when you are paying attention.

Our Garden

I have been think for the past few week of how we could cut down our grocery bill and came up with a plan. I thought it would be a great idea to start my own garden. So I did.

We got up this morning and after I made eggs and pan cakes we went to Lowe's. We got several plants and some seed packs. We don't have a very big backyard so we planted in window planters. We planted patio tomatoes, egg plant, green and red bell peppers, jalapenos, radish and cucumbers. We also planted a blueberry bush. The kids love blueberries. We also have a few more things we are going to plant at my in-laws. They have a huge backyard and don't live very far for us so it will still be easy to take care of the plant at there house. There we will have lettuce, cantaloupe, greenbeans, peas, yellow squash and watermelon. We also have a lemon drop tree and our house we planted last year the we are getting fruit off of this spring! Farrah and Aden also planted little watermelon seeds in these all in one cups. They had a blast getting the little hand dirty.

In addition to the cost cutting garden I am also going to start making my own bread, and I have already started making my own laundry soap. I also plan to make my own fabric soft and soon as I run out of the dryer sheets I have stocked up.

I will let you know along the way what works best for our family and maybe you can find some tips to help you cut your cost at well!